VOHeroes Pro Emeritus Yearly Membership
Pro Emeritus status on the VOHeroes website, with complete access including all courses, workouts and other resources.
Look at you, hero.
You've done an amazing job with the VOHeroes Pro curriculum and workouts. It's time for you to take on the title of Pro Emeritus.
And in doing so, I want to reward you with access to the site one a yearly basis, at a 20% discount over what you'd pay monthly to continue with your journey.
You will have full access to everything that exists on VOHeroes.com, and if we add any new courses to the VOHeroes curriculum while you're a Pro Emeritus member, they're yours.
And every month from now on, pick a workout - they are yours to participate in. For as long as you're a member.
(If you'd like to save even more money, you can also choose the lifetime option here.)
I can't wait to see what happens on you heroes' journey.